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The Croods, who we previously met in an earlier movie, and an alternate version in 3D ; are back to their old shannanigans in a new adventure. HAVE YOU EVER HEARD OF THE BUTTERFLY EFFECT. THE CROOD BUTTERFLY EFFECT? What could cause our Neanderthal friends to become a crucial part of our distant must lead to the past. At sometime in the journey something had changed so that some of the living creatures on earth were still neanderthal....but in the future space jammers.....SPACE OGRES KEEPING DOORS AT SPACE CLUBS SPACE TROLLS DRIVING FLYING SPACE CABS.....GRIMM FAIRY TALES NEETS THE FITH ELEMENT and the only hope for man kind is that of the Croods ...who must connect the future with the past in the much greater future and in the much greater sense..lbe prepared compelked and propelked into the fun world of animated excellence
The prehistoric family the Croods are challenged by a rival family the Bettermans, who claim to be better and more evolved.